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Try it out

If you're interested in giving this a go to see if it's your thing we would love to get you in a canoe with 5 experienced paddlers - get a taste of what this sport has to offer.


We are usually at the club Saturday 7.30am until 12 running a couple of sessions and again on Wednesdy evening at 7pm.  To join one of these sessions send a message (contact page) and we'll make sure someone is around to look after you.  We don't recomend coming down unannounced as often the sessions are full and we'd hate to waste your journey. 


We'll also provide you info on clothing  - generally regular sports clothing is fine for the warmer months, you may prefer waterproof clothing for the colder sessions.


To join the outrigger section of the Royal Canoe Club you first join the main umbrella organisation that maintains the site we operate from and then pay a small additional charge to join the outrigger canoe section which allows you to then use the club's general facilities as well as the outrigger canoes.  When you come down we can explain this all to you but you're OK to have a few sessions with us without needing to join.


Use this form to join the Royal Canoe Club:

and this one to join the outrigger section:

To renew your membership simnply complete the on-line renewal by clicking here.

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